About Us (About Me Actually)
Hi friends,
YouTube Khabari101
Welcome to my YouTube Khabari101.
This is basically a news blog that will keep you updated about the new trends in YouTube India.
As you all know, YouTube is one of the most watched social media platform in India as well as the world. Today, there is rarely any person who uses internet and doesn't watch YouTube. Everyone watches it, isn't it ?
YouTube has really changed our lives.
Remember the old days when there was no YouTube or social media ? People spent time by playing outdoor games like kabaddi, cricket, football, gully danda etc. and indoor board games like ludo, chess, snakes and ladders, etc. People had no access to information about the outer world even what's going on in India. People were totally dependent on News channels on Television and radios or Newspapers. There were no way to show the talent to the world.
YouTube in India,
But YouTube came in existence on 14th February, 2005. But not to India. In India, there were very few creators or users of YouTube until the revolutionary change in the year 2016, The year in which JIO gave free internet to the masses of India. JIO was a boon to Indians. Millions people got free access to UNLIMITED INTERNET. It was because of JIO many people started using Internet and YouTube. New creators got new audience and new audience got their new creators. If there was no JIO many of the people wouldn't had been existed on the Internet and YouTube( Personally I also started using Internet properly because of JIO. Thanks JIO :D )
There was a sudden increase in YouTube users in India in 2016. Many people from all over the country got a chance to show their talent and skills to the outer world. It is a great source of Income for people who hate office jobs, love freelancing and have a special skill to offer. People could keep theirselves updated to the current world. It is also a great source of education. People have endless access to information, entertainment, and several other things.
YouTube Creators, Indian Creators,
Today millions of creators like CarryMinati, Ashish Chanchalani Vines, BB ki Vines and many more have built a successful career in YouTube and gained a special place in the hearts of millions of Indians.
It already has 265 million monthly active users in India. It is about 20 percent of the current population. YouTube says around 65 percent of its views comes from outside the metropolitan cities in India.
That's a huge number right ?
People try to stay updated about the latest trends in the Indian YouTube. But there is no easy source to it. So here I am with my brand new website to keep you guys updated about the latest trends in the Indian YouTube.
So for latest updates and trends in the Indian YouTube make sure to follow this YouTube Khabari101.
Thanks for reading.
See you soon.
Till then good-bye!!
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